Summer weather in Clearwater, FL is consistent.
Consistently hot.
When you vacation in Clearwater Beach, FL during the summer months, you can expect tropical heat, slight ocean breezes, a chance of an afternoon thunderstorm, followed by hot summer nights.
When is summer in Florida
You know its summer in Florida when regularly scheduled afternoon showers and thunderstorms add a welcome relief to the mid-day heat. These showers can be intense but are usually short lived. It’s common to see a forecast that includes an 80% chance of rain daily but this does not mean all day. Afternoon thunderstorms are your signal that it’s too hot outside. It’s time to get off the beach, go inside, and take a nap.
What are the tempratures in Florida during summer
Temperatures in the summer hover in the 90s all day and evening summer temperatures typically drop to the low 80s. It is consistently hot. Summer often begins in May and lasts until the end of September.